Imagine your life as a journey on a long path and explore what brought you to where you are today.

What you’ll need: Big piece of paper, coloured pens or pencils
What’s it for?
This activity helps you think about your life as a whole and helps you identify what you find important.
Check In:
Notice how you’re feeling right now. Close your eyes and notice what’s going on inside your mind and body.
How are you feeling?
What are you thinking?
How does your body feel?
Draw a path which represents your life’s journey until now. Think about what kind of path it would be - a straight path? One with lots of twists and turns? A hard, stony path? A smooth grassy one? What feels right?
Along the path,draw important events in your life, like being born, moving house, starting school. You can include things that you enjoyed and things that you found challenging.
Extra Activity: On another piece of paper, continue your path into how you imagine your future to be. What kind of things would you like to happen to you?
When you’ve finished drawing spend a moment looking at your picture, ask yourself the following questions:
What does it feel like to look back on your whole life?
What was your path like? Difficult or easy to follow?
Are there times you wished were different?
Are there times so good that you wished they had lasted forever?
What feels like the most important place on the path?
If you’re unhappy with where your path is heading, what can you do to change direction?
Taking a different perspective on our own lives can lead to some interesting observations. Using art to explore this, can lead to some unexpected insights.
Take a moment to notice how you are feeling at the end of this activity. Did you discover anything surprising? What can you take away to make you feel better about yourself from this activity?
If you would like to, share something about your experience with this activity with someone you live with! Ask the person who looks after you to send us an email if you have any questions or comments about the activity, or would like to send us any pictures ( Don't forget to subscribe for more fun CAT activities!
Created by Ian Grundy © March 2020
Creative Art Used: Art
Psychological Areas Explored: Emotional Wellbeing, Self-Exploration
These activities could be done by children of all ages, but some may need the support of their parent or carer to read the instructions or complete the activity safely.
This website was made by CAT Corner to help you explore your feelings through fun creative arts activities. The people using the website and the people responsible for them need to make sure they stay safe (full disclaimer on About page).