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Power of Kindness

Writer's picture: GHF CAT TeamGHF CAT Team

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

Explore the concept of being kind to others which in turn enables us to be kind to ourselves.

What you’ll need: Paper, coloured pens and pencils

What’s it for? This activity considers the importance of being kind and the strengths that kindness offers us in building connections with others. Kindness creates a social bond and establishes trust in our relationships. Being connected to others is vital to our overall emotional wellbeing.

Check In: Notice how you’re feeling right now. Close your eyes and notice what’s going on inside your mind and body.

  • How are you feeling?

  • What are you thinking?

  • How does your body feel?


  • Is there someone in your life who you would like to offer kindness to?

  • Perhaps a friend in class is sad at the moment or a parent or carer has been so busy and might need to hear a kind word

  • Using pieces of paper can you come up with 10 acts of kindness?

  • If you write them in clear and colourful writing - be as creative in how you present the kind gestures as you would like

  • Here are some ideas:

  • Make your chosen person a compliment

  • Hold the door open for your chosen person

  • Offer your chosen person a smile when you think they need it

  • Colour a picture in and share this with your chosen person

  • Make a handmade gift to give to your chosen person

  • Clean up without being asked to help your chosen person

  • Leave thank you notes in places where your chosen person might find them

  • Write a nice letter to tell your chosen person why they are special

  • Now thinking back to your chosen person, can you decide which act of kindness might make this person smile the most?

  • If you choose 2-3 different acts of kindness to offer your chosen person and prepare what you are going to do

  • How do you think your chosen person will respond to your act of kindness?

  • Reflect on this activity afterwards by writing down 3 words about how this activity has left you feeling about yourself

Extra Activity: Keep in mind some of your acts of kindness across your day and randomly offer these out to people you meet or friends who you play with to make them smile and feel happy and see how this makes you feel

When you’ve finished, spend a moment reflecting on the activity and ask yourself the following questions:

  • Did you enjoy thinking about making someone else smile and and how did that make you feel?

  • Did you find it easy or challenging to come up with kind gestures?

  • Did you learn anything new about yourself in the process of thinking of others?


This activity notices the impact of being kind on ourselves and others. Kindness builds feelings of confidence and being in control. It can do this for both you and the person you are kind to. Knowing you have helped another person can give you a sense of purpose. Take a moment to notice how you are feeling at the end of this activity. Did you discover anything surprising? What can you take away to make you feel better about yourself from this activity?

If you would like to, share something about your experience with this activity with someone you live with! Ask the person who looks after you to send us an email if you have any questions or comments about the activity, or would like to send us any pictures ( Don't forget to subscribe for more fun CAT activities!

Created by Sarah Kong © January 2021


Creative Arts Used: Art

Psychological Areas Explored: Emotional Wellbeing and Self-esteem

If you enjoyed this activity, you might also like: Daily Gratitude Jar: Create a special jar to store all the things you are grateful for each day. These activities could be done by children of all ages, but some may need the support of their parent or carer to read the instructions or complete the activity safely.

This website was made by CAT Corner to help you explore your feelings through fun creative arts activities. The people using the website and the people responsible for them need to make sure they stay safe (full disclaimer on About page).

This website was made by CAT Corner to help you explore your feelings through fun creative arts activities. The people using the website and the people responsible for them need to make sure they stay safe (full disclaimer on About page).

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