Imagine a magical door that helps you explore your hopes and dreams.

What you’ll need: Something to represent a doorway on the floor, and a paper/pencil to write with What’s it for? This drama activity uses different scenarios to explore your hopes for the future. This can help you explore how to communicate your ideas, as well as supporting your positive outlook. Check In: Notice how you’re feeling right now. Close your eyes and notice what’s going on inside your mind and body.
How are you feeling?
What are you thinking?
How does your body feel?
First imagine that you have a magical door, which lets you see what it might be like in the future. Lay out your 'door' on the floor so that you can step over or through it safely.
Use your paper to write down some dreams or hopes you have for the future. This might be something you would like to do, a place you would like to go, something you would like to own, or a person you would like to be.
Now imagine that each time you walk through your doorway you are able to experience what it would be like to achieve that dream! For each item on your list, step through the 'door' and pretend you have achieved your dream. What might you say? How would you act?
Look around you and imagine what you can see and hear, and how you are feeling.
Step through your magic door and explore each of the dreams on your list!
Extra Activity: You might like to draw one of the dreams you have explored through your magical door. If you would like to, perhaps you could show this drawing to someone in your house and tell them what you have imagined. When you’ve finished, spend a moment reflecting on the activity and ask yourself the following questions:
Which was your favourite scenario to act out?
How did it feel to imagine you had reached your goal?
What are some other situations that make you feel the same way now?
Who do you like to talk about your dreams with? What kind of dreams do your friends have for the future?
If you really had a magic door to the future, would you want to step through? Why or why not?
Conclusion: This activity explores our hopes and dreams by imagining we could step through into the future. Acting out our imaginative ideas can help us express our feelings and communicate our hopes while we think about positive situations. Take a moment to notice how you are feeling at the end of this activity. Did you discover anything surprising? What can you take away to make you feel better about yourself from this activity? If you would like to, share something about your experience with this activity with someone you live with! Ask the person who looks after you to send us an email if you have any questions or comments about the activity, or would like to send us any pictures ( Don't forget to subscribe for more fun CAT activities! Created by Heather Dingle © June 2021
Creative Arts Used: Drama
Psychological Areas Explored: Resilience, Emotional Wellbeing, Communication
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These activities could be done by children of all ages, but some may need the support of their parent or carer to read the instructions or complete the activity safely.
This website was made by CAT Corner to help you explore your feelings through fun creative arts activities. The people using the website and the people responsible for them need to make sure they stay safe (full disclaimer on About page).